My Human Experience

Posts Tagged ‘Curve Ball’

Crazy Life…

In Real Life No Gimmicks on March 16, 2010 at 19:48

I was having a brief conversation with @_meeks_ and she was expressing a rough time she’d encountered due to life’s happenings, which sometimes create “painful and unexpected moments.” Her statement sparked my interest. I began to think, it’s crazy how life throws curve balls. But if it didn’t, we’d see everything coming straight and that would diminish the value of experience. That thought at that instance seemed deeper than words would allow me to profess to her. So… I figured I’d blog it.

What if we knew our Death Date? You think we’d be excitedly awaiting it, as if it were our Birthdate? I highly doubt it. Though the unknown can be frustrating, I think it protects us. It provides us sanity. Think about if you knew that 10 years from now you’d be declaring bankruptcy. Would you stay in Graduate School? Adding more debt to what will soon already be due? Or would you try to focus on your spending and allot the majority of your time and energy on your finances? I’m sure that would pull away from the development of other areas in your life.

But what’s even more intriguing is that every action committed today, prepares our tomorrow. So not going to work today, may not affect you today, but it’ll show up at the end of the pay period. That applies to everything in life and any change in action determines a change in outcome. So without enduring life’s struggles, that we complain about, we wouldn’t be the strong, courageous, “I can take on anything” products that they’ve made us. Your accomplishments make you, just as much as your failures do. Mr. West said it best “Everything I’m Not Makes Me Everything I am.” I live by this. It reminds me of all the people who told me I wouldn’t make it, as a kid growing up in the “hood” [I never got why they called it the hood as opposed to neighborhood, shit we had neighbors too! But I’m wandering off topic]. I’m grateful for my resilience and my ability to allow no one to stop me. Or else I would’ve become a product of what they thought me to be. Rather than the actual me. That gets me amped up and so I wanna say “[fcuk] the world” and then my altruistic nature kicks in and asks me “why would you wanna do that to the world, when it’s made you the autodidactic and amazing person you are.” [No question mark, because it’s rhetorical.] So then “I Call It Off” [by Drake]. Okay… I’ve digressed… Once again.

But I think it’s intriguing that we always wanna know the things that we may not be able to handle. Like some truths, for instance. Not knowing may be the best thing in the world. I’m not big on surprises, but the capacity of my saneness may not be able to handle knowing. So I’ll opt to the blind fold. All I ask and hope is that it’s made better than good!

The ultimate goal at hand is to continue to proceed with life, in a positive direction. Not speaking from expertise, merely speaking from experience. Onward and Upward. Let’s go! Until we get there…